457 Visa Temporary Work Visa

The 457 visa is a temporary visa which can be valid for up to 4 years and allows the visa holder to live and work in Australia. Immediate family members  and dependent relatives included in the application may also be entitled to live and work in Australia on this visa.

457 visa applicants are required to have an employer that is willing to sponsor them as part of the 457 visa application process. Employers must meet specific Sponsorship and Nomination steps before the intending employee can apply for a 457 visa. The employer can be either an Australian or overseas business.

After two years working for their sponsoring employer on a 457 visa, 457 visa holders and included family members may be eligible for Permanent Residence through the Employer Nomination Scheme (186 Visa) or Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (187 Visa).

There are three steps in the 457 visa application process:

A. 457 Sponsorship

Employers must seek approval as a Standard Business Sponsor with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection as the first step in the 457 Visa application process. There are a number of requirements that the business must meet in order to be approved, including the ability to meet training, lawful operation and sponsor obligation criteria. To find out more click here.

B. 457 Nomination

Employers are required to nominate each of the positions they seek to fill with an overseas employee. The nomination is required to relate to an occupation published by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship that relates to the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. There are many occupations/specialisation on the current 457 list. Please visit Department of Immigration website for updated list

Each occupation requires a certain skill level of the 457 visa applicant. The nomination application also determines the Market Salary that must be paid and where the 457 visa applicant will work. To find out more click here.

C. 457 Visa Application

The final step is the 457 visa application itself. The visa applicant must demonstrate the following:

  • Skills and/or experience required of the nominated position.
  • Satisfy health and character requirements.
  • English Language ability (IELTS 5), depending on the nominated occupation, country of origin and salary offered to the applicant (*exemption applies).

Applicants nominated in specific occupations who originate from certain countries may be required to demonstrate that they have the required skill level by passing a Skills Assessment conducted by Trades Recognition Australia. Registration, licensing and/or membership may also be a required depending on the nominated occupation. There is no minimum age requirement for the 457 visa.

* The following are exempt from meeting the English Language requirement:

  • Passport holders from, UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand or Ireland.
  • Visa applicants offered a base salary above $96,600 and it is in the interests of Australia to grant the visa.
  • Applicants who have completed at least 5 consecutive years of full time education at secondary level or above that was completed all in English.


For more information about 457 visas please contact us