Refugee visas
Australia can be a safe destination for international migrants who cannot continue to live in their home country. At Australian Migration Network, we understand the magnitude of this endeavour and strive to help our clients find a better life in Australia.
There are avenues for refugees to migrate safely and legally to Australia, through Australia’s Humanitarian Programme, which is designed to ensure that refugees have an avenue into Australia. It responds to global crises that necessitates this program but also considers each personal entry and the specific migration needs of each applicant. We make it our business to understand these unique needs and gloomy stories and utilise every element at our disposal to ensure a safe migration to Australia.
To have success in the application, the applicant will have to prove refugee status as defined in the Refugee Convention. Article 1 of the Refugee Convention defines a refugee as any person who:
“Owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence, is unable, or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.”
Australia’s Humanitarian Programme is possible both offshore, as a form of resettlement, and onshore for refugees who are in need of protection. It is important to understand that there are great numbers of applications to both categories, making the process potentially slower and more difficult. We will utilise the system in every manner possible to try and achieve the best outcome for our clients.
What Are The Requirements For The Offshore Refugee visa?
The offshore categories have two components, which are:
the Refugee category for those who are being persecuted in their home country; or
the Special Humanitarian Category for those who are subject to discrimination in their home country, which denies them their human rights without giving them full refugee status. These applicants must be living outside their home country and have their entry proposed by:
an Australian citizen;
an Australian permanent resident;
an eligible New Zealand citizen; or
an Australian organisation.
The applicant may be eligible for the offshore refugee visa if:
they are outside Australia;
they have been identified as a refugee having been subjected to persecution or discrimination in their home country which threatens their human rights – being registered and approved by UNHCR; and
they can prove that special consideration in order to have a visa granted is a necessity due to the aforementioned circumstances, through factors including:
the degree of persecution or discrimination which are they being subjected to;
the extent of the applicant’s connection with Australia;
whether or not there is another country which may be suitable for migration; and
the capacity of Australia has to provide permanent settlement for the applicant.