Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) Appeal


If your application for a Refugee or Onshore Protection Visa has been unsuccessful or refused, you will receive a letter from the Department informing you of your review rights.

You or a registered migration agent on your behalf can appeal at the Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) if the Department refuses your visa application. The appeal tribunals do not accept any expired application appeals. There is no fee payable when an application for review is lodged with the Refugee Review Tribunal. However, if the application for review is not successful, a fee of $1673 will be payable. If a fee is payable you will be advised after the Tribunal decides your case.

The average processing time from the date of RRT appeal lodgement is currently 389 days.

This tribunal operates without lawyers and has the power to change the decision made by the Department.

The RRT review is a second chance to apply. This allows you to put additional evidence in support of your application, particularly if it was lacking or missing in the initial application, which is not unusual where the original visa application was made without the assistance of a Registered Migration Agent.